Is Media Burning People for their Stupidity?

So I just read this ridiculous article about aNew Jersey woman who pleaded guilty to putting her 5 year old daughter in a tanning bed. She was charged with second-degree child endangerment, because after all the kid had “serious burns.” The woman obviously denies the “crime” even though her daughter told authorities that she was put in a Imagetanning bed, and the mother is cross between an oompah-loompah and a leather couch. She claims to be a “wonderful mother.” Regardless, the issue is just straight up absurd and I’m not really sure who to believe. A few comments on the issue are that media is getting too involved in other people’s lives. However, that’s media job in a sense. People love hearing/reading about crazy people or people doing stupid things. One, it’s amusing, and two, it raises awareness and makes the audience feel more superior. I honestly am not sure whether I find the situation ridiculously hilarious, yet still sad because that poor child is burned, or if I find it repulsive that people are interested in it. I guess that is my fault when it comes to media. Reporters always find a way to make you say wow and question your feelings about something. Here, I can just say that, the situation is funny because it is so unexpected and out there, but at the same time, it is not news worthy (but it is blog worthy haha). Maybe it just serves the purpose to send a message to people. Don’t do stupid crap like this or else the media will make you look like a huge fool.