Is Media Burning People for their Stupidity?

So I just read this ridiculous article about aNew Jersey woman who pleaded guilty to putting her 5 year old daughter in a tanning bed. She was charged with second-degree child endangerment, because after all the kid had “serious burns.” The woman obviously denies the “crime” even though her daughter told authorities that she was put in a Imagetanning bed, and the mother is cross between an oompah-loompah and a leather couch. She claims to be a “wonderful mother.” Regardless, the issue is just straight up absurd and I’m not really sure who to believe. A few comments on the issue are that media is getting too involved in other people’s lives. However, that’s media job in a sense. People love hearing/reading about crazy people or people doing stupid things. One, it’s amusing, and two, it raises awareness and makes the audience feel more superior. I honestly am not sure whether I find the situation ridiculously hilarious, yet still sad because that poor child is burned, or if I find it repulsive that people are interested in it. I guess that is my fault when it comes to media. Reporters always find a way to make you say wow and question your feelings about something. Here, I can just say that, the situation is funny because it is so unexpected and out there, but at the same time, it is not news worthy (but it is blog worthy haha). Maybe it just serves the purpose to send a message to people. Don’t do stupid crap like this or else the media will make you look like a huge fool.

Social Media and Your Business

So, I’m pretty into these chart graphics not only because I think they’re good design but the statistics they provide are rather mind-bottling. As my last post mentioned, branding and advertising is important in a business. Here the chart shows how social media affects business communication (advertising). Due to different social media companies have a broader range of methods with communicating to the public.

First the chart shows why businesses use and rely on social media. (It’s immediate or fast, many people can see it, it’s very easy, in many cases, it is free, businesses receive feedback from costumers, and it expands the brand’s name).

Then the chart focuses on the success of businesses via social media. The dates go back to 2007-2009. I can only image what the numbers would be in 2010-2012.

The following part asks how important social media is for the business. Charts for 2007 have a lower number of importance, where it was only moderately important. in 2008 and 2009 the numbers show that it was very important. Today the percentage of social media being very important are probably very high.

The rest of the chart goes on to say that social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have increased in viewers and could increase the number of costumers for businesses.

All in all, I think this chart is a good example of the use of social media within a company and how using the internet can be a good thing when promoting a business. Many people get to see the company name and product/work and will be able to communicate back to the company and or share with others, therefore rising the interest in that business. In the years the come, I can only see business getting better from the side of having their name put out in the public eye and use it for better advertisement.

Branding and Advertising

The logo options I have been considering towards creating a brand for my aunt's store/boutique Stella's

In my graphic design class I have been working on a project that consist of a state and an ad promoting an event or activity within that state poster. Outside of my class I have been creating a logo and brand for my aunt’s new store. In doing those things I’ve started thinking about just how important branding and advertising is for a business. Obviously without it, there would be no business. Advertising using different media forms is the best way of helping a business grow. It is not just about giving a name to the business but it is about building an actual image for people/customers to take an interest in. As a designer for instance, I tend to stray away from stores or restaurants that are not visually appealing. That first impression on the viewer is the most important because after all, who is going to take the time to warm up to a business? You need to have it thrown in your face and it needs to be something that is memorable. In saying that, I’ve been trying to keep that idea in mind while working on my projects. It is first and foremost the most important thing when advertising, is to keep the client AND the viewers in mind. Think of what will grab the attention of the type of customers you want for your company. Also with that, it’s important to keep the company image timeless or continue to update and appeal to what people want to see at the given time.

New Energy-Efficient Light Bulb

In honor of Earth day, I read an article from the Los Angelos Times website Earth Day: Would You buy a $60 energy-efficient light bulb? that explains a new product by Philips that is a LED light bulb that consumes less than 10 watts to produce light that’s generally equivalent to an regular 60 watt light bulb. Because of this, the bulb would be saving approximately 83% of energy. That’s a rather large number I think! Also the major plus about this new bulb is that it can reportedly last the common household up to 10 years, therefore saving money from buying many light bulbs over the course of time when others go out.

Going back to that energy number, if every household in the U.S. used this new light bulb over 60 watt light bulbs, the U.S. could prevent up to 20 million metric tons of carbon emissions! That’s huge! “That’s enough electricity to power the lights of nearly 18 million U.S. households, or nearly triple the annual electricity consumption of the city of Washington D.C.,”a company fact sheet says. After all, it is Earth Day, why not go out and buy at least one new energy efficient light bulb? Well, it isn’t sold in stores yet, but they will be soon. Also, I’ve failed to mention the hearty price tag of $60 per bulb. However, that seems steep for light, it saves over $100 over the course of 10 years in changing light bulbs. Then too, there will be other produces or ways of purchasing the bulb that will be cheaper than $60. I say having at least 1 or 2 of those bulbs is worth it. Buy a new bulb over time; maybe one every Earth Day? That to me sounds like a good investment and a perfect way of celebrating and helping out on Earth Day.

Wait a Second, There Are People Who Don’t Use the Internet?

According to an online article (haha) one in five U.S. Americans do not use the internet!

Pew reports show that there are specific reasons for people who do not use the internet and some of them have to do with age, race, and income (minority groups). The first reasoned mentioned is that almost half of non-internet users simply are not interested in using it. They are people who have likely never used the internet before, don’t know how to use it, don’t need to use it, or don’t have access to it. The article also hones in on lower income citizens (making less than $30,000 a year) are the people more likely to be in the position to not use the internet. According to questioning, many people do not have a computer to access the internet. It is completely understandable to learn that there are people who don’t use the internet but thinking about 1 in every 5 American, is still a large number. It is an even larger number thinking about the people who DO use it! This topic might contradict previous posts, but the idea that there are people who do not rely on internet is very real.

Being one of the 4 of 5 Americans to use the internet, it is hard to imagine not using it. I understand older people not being interested; several of them have gone their entire lives without ever needing it. However, the abundant amount of information available online I think may help those people of minorities. Using it to find better jobs and such would change the issue completely, but it’s not so cut and dry. Getting away from what I think, I’ll end with the facts.

“The people who lack home broadband access are — not surprisingly — from the same demographics as people who don’t go online at all: mostly older, with lower educational attainment and income, or living with a disability.”

It’s a common issue in America. Not that living without the internet is a big issue; there are certainly times where I wish it didn’t even exist, but it can be necessary in certain means. Needless to say, the numbers right now are 1 in 5, it is likely in the future for that number to decrease, but then again, it’s not a major issue. Maybe not being able to access the internet or not having an interest is a better thing.

Finally Made Time for “In Time”

I recently rented the film “In Time” starring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried. It is a movie based on the sci-fi idea that currency and everyone’s life is dependent on time rather than money. Set in a futuristic Los Angeles, everybody stops physically aging when they turn 25 and their clocks start ticking with only 365 days to start with. They all have a clock located on their forearm where they are constantly reminded of their fate and labeled according to how much time they have. Time not only means actual time, but it is their form of money. They have to pay for a simple phone call costing 1 minute or even some 50 years for a hot new car. The plot started with Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) not having much time and daily fighting and working for more to survive. When a very old, wealthy man gives up all of his time to Will, he moves to the rich side of town, costing him along the way. He meets Sylvia Weis (Amanda Seyfried) daughter of the richest man in the world who is protected by timekeepers. The timekeepers are in search of Will and his time because they feel that he stole it and does not deserve it. In Will’s attempt to escape them, Sylvia is fed up with her father’s greed and runs away with Will and begins planning to steal back his money and share it among everyone.

When I first saw previews for this movie I was not sold, but I ended up really enjoying it. It was a new concept and way of life I’ve never seen before and it really reflects the way people live today. Although humans will not die instantly when they run out of money, but they do fight and risk lives for wealth. It’s an idea that puts life in perspective that makes me appreciate not having to fight for my life every second. However, I am not sure I agree with the concept of not aging at 25, that looked rather weird. But I assume the point is to live forever and stay the age you take in life the most. Nevertheless, it was a movie worth giving my time to ;)

Social Media Statistics

This article illustrates the statistics of major internet (social media) sites and it shows how high the numbers have gotten in such a short period of time. The article does not specify it’s sources or it’s specific users in all cases but just seeing the numbers is mind bottling. Social networking sites are a large fraction of what makes up the internet. It has taken everyday interactions and put it all on the web. Facebook and Twitter are the new source of communication among fellow internet users. Although the statistics are believable it’s interesting to see the numbers generated from each site.

Another Earth? Where?

Recently my boyfriend and I watched the movie Another Earth, a fictional film about this young girl, Rhoda Williams, who soon after being accepted to MIT, drunkenly hits a car putting the driver in a coma and killing his wife and their young son. The film set in modern day has a twist to it; scienc e has found that there is another Earth – a planet supposedly a reflection of ours.  After Rhoda serves her sentence she is introduced to a writing competition that features a trip to the new finding, Earth 2 (how clever?). While she sends in her letter and works as a janitor at a highschool, she tries to bring herself to apologize to John Burroughs (the man she hit) and ends up lying to him saying she is from MaidHaven and she is there to clean his house. Because of this she can get a closer look at what she has done to his life.
The film was very quiet and hard to keep my attention but it still kept my interest in what will happen. The entire idea of this second Earth seemed very strange to me; the movie failed to explain it’s random appearance and it’s purpose, etc.


However, the film does show on television, a scientist’s attempt to contact Earth 2. Turns out, the woman doing the test contacts herself in this alternate world on that planet. That was the turning point in the film that kept me interested. It also goes deeper into the encounters between Rhoda and John, but I am trying to give away too much detail. Rhoda ends up winning the trip to Earth 2 and tells John who she is. Her plan the whole time was to win the trip and give it to John because possibly on this other planet, his wife and son are still alive.
The ending of the movie, however, is terrible. The over intent of the movie was intriguing but the results failed to meet my expectations as it is one of those films that leaves you guessing.
Overall it was very interesting in its topic but what I was really interested in was practically ignored.

Jubilee Shalom Duggar

The Duggars have become a well known family because of their tv show “19 Kids and Counting.” Like any reality show, they open up their lives to the public and made many people fall in love with them. They’ve shared many joyful moments with the world and last night’s season finale was more or less heartbreaking.

I don’t watch the show that often but when I do, I love it. They seem like the happiest and most loving people in the world. So when I caught last night’s episode, the water works were flowing.

The Duggars during this season has shared and reveled in the news of a 20th child and last night’s show brought that to a close. Michelle and Jim Bob went to get an ultrasound of their 16 week old baby to find out whether it was a boy or a girl; however, they found something else: that the baby had no heartbeat. The parents were heartbroken and immediately began to pray. As if that wasn’t hard enough to watch, they had to go and tell the news to their family. Each and every person in the family was distraught about the loss. They went on to name the lifeless child, Jubilee Shalom, in honor of the joy she brought to the family while it lasted, and the peace she resides in Heaven.

The emotions were overwhelming even for someone like me who is not marries, does not have children, and does not usually watch the show. The tragedy was obviously hard to watch, being it is someone’s actual life, but the show revealed that message that they try to teach their kids everyday: “life is precious.”

Many people don’t necessarily agree with Michelle and Jim Bob’s lifestyle and choices to continue building their family, but I think it’s their life and there’s nothing wrong with it. People believe that with so many children it is hard to love or attend to all of them; however, if anything I think they love every single one of their children then most people do just one. If any family is going to continue to grow and bring new life it should be the Duggars.

They are truly a remarkable family and are somewhat of an inspiration to me. Not that I will be producing 19 kids one day but they teach me how to love a little bit more. I know they’ve gone through many troubles and definitely 2 major tragedies of losing a child, but I hope they don’t stop their efforts in trying to build their love.

Is this Hacker Story Hilarious?, a news headline website, posted an article entitled “Scar Jo Hacker Pleads Guilty” reveals that the man who hacked into Scarletr Johansson’s email pleads guilty. He hacked her email and released nude photos of her to tabloid sites. He also hacked into Christina Aguilera’s email and Mila Kunis’ email. Yes, of course what he did was wrong and he should be punished for it, but are the responses worth complete mockery?

On each Newser article, statistics show voters opinions about what the public thinks (if the issue is hilarious, depressing, scary, intriguing, brilliant, or annoying). Voters show that 38%, being the majority, thinks this issue is hilarious. Then comes the bigger issue of what is media coverage like this doing for viewers? Many people think that the lives of celebrities are solely for entertainment, even if it is embarrassing for the celebrity (which typically gets more interest). Then again it depends on the celebrity. Scarlett Johansson has that sexual image and it’s almost expected that nude pictures be released but the fact that it happened due to being hacked is really not fair. Also keep in mind that I am not a fan of Scarlett Jo as an actress or person, but she has rights as a human being. I personally don’t find being hacked on a personal level hilarious.