Learn to love you more

Assignment One: Draw a constellation from someone’s freckles

Connect a series of freckles, moles and/or birthmarks on someone’s body using a ball point pen. The shape that is formed can be abstract or representational. Draw this on someone else, not yourself.

Take a close up picture of the freckle constellation you have drawn. Make sure the picture is in focus. Use the name of the person that you did the drawing on as the title for your piece.

Why my boyfriend has a perfect line of freckles? I’m not sure, but it made a nice road for a little man :)

Assignment Two: List 100 things that you like.

Make a list of 100 things you like in no particular order. Avoid the obvious (significant other, cake…) and be completely honest with yourself. If you try to think of things that you are curious about and inspired by, you’ll end up discovering a lot about yourself and in doing so developing a sort of bank of your interests and ideas.

1. The night sky
2. The way my boyfriend looks at me
3. Laying in a hammock
4. Rubber ducks
5. The smell of really hot water (steam)
6. People watching
7. Blue
8. The sound of driving over gravel
9. Figuring things out on my own
10. Antiquing
11. Laying on my boyfriend’s chest and listening to his heartbeat
12. Haley Joel Osment
13. Going to the dentist
14. Old couples
15. When my mom gives me small presents for no reason
16. Rearranging my apartment
17. Froot Loops
18. How excited my dogs get when I go home
19. Receiving mail/packages
20. Silversun Pickups
21. Looking out my window while laying in bed
22. The rare occasions when my skin looks perfect
23. Taking baths
24. Ellen Degeneres
25. Everything at Anthropologie (but I hate how I can’t afford any of it)
26. My senior ring
27. The way my boyfriend is my best friend
28. Curling my hair
29. The song “In Your Atmosphere” by John Mayer
30. Pretty eyes
31. Gin and juice
32. When the sun shines threw trees
33. The way my mom calls me “Boogie Boo”
34. The Picture of Dorian Gray
35. Blueberry Pop-Tarts
36. Feeling loved
37. Agave burger
38. Speeding down back roads
39. Cheap pens
40. Being tan (but not tanning)
41. “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”
42. When my sister is drunk
43. Candles
44. Rock-star parking spots
45. Flannel
46. Good dreams
47. Laughing so hard it makes me cry
48. Victoria’s Secret
49. Narrations by Morgan Freeman
50. Trampolines
51. When my lips feel swollen
52. Aging
53. Playing flip-cup
54. Watching my parents play flip-cup
55. Bluebell Cookies ‘N’ Cream ice-cream
56. Cash
57. Holding my boyfriend’s hand in public
58. Hot foreign accents
59. Speaking in stupid accents with MiMi
60. Vacations
61. Having feet small enough to try on display shoes
62. Dead roses
63. Coco Mademoiselle perfume
64. Singing “Making Love Out of Nothing at All”
65. Finally getting comfortable
66. Getting compliments
67. Francis Pavy
68. Sweaters
69. When I make a good joke
70. Funfetti cake mix
71. When my boyfriend says “kithes”
72. Owls
73. Having my back scratched
74. Wearing my slippers in public
75. The smell of gasoline
76. Drawing trees
77. Cottages
78. Songs that give me goosebumps
79. Henna tattoos
80. Chocolate chip cookies
81. Looking at baby pictures
82. How easily fascinated my dad gets
83. Lighting matches
84. Quoting “She’s The Man”
85. Puppies’ breath
86. Calla Lilies
87. Making cupcakes
89. Kings of Leon
90. Vyvanse
91. Freckles
92. Driving with my music turned up
93. The letters my mom wrote to me when I was born
94. Kid Cudi
95. Having the courage to say things
96. Sushi
97. Quentin Tarantino movies
98. Singing Circa Survive
99. Gay boys
100. Being completely happy

Assignment Three: Take a flash photo under your bed

Don’t vacuum or alter anything under your bed beforehand. Take a photo under there with a strong flash, preferably with the camera sitting on the ground. Make sure your photograph is in focus!

Oh hey, found my slipper.

Assignment Four: Make a flier of your day.

Write a paragraph describing a typical day in your life. Make one hundred Xerox fliers of the description (you don’t have to include your name) and post them all over your neighborhood.Take a picture of the flier and a photo of one of them posted in your neighborhood.

I didn’t make copies.. but I figured one was enough.