Connection to film (needs to be edited)

In Nicholas Carr’s book The Shallows focuses on how the Internet affects the human brain and it’s ability to retain information or stay focused on something. He discusses his problems that have developed over the past few years from the Internet. The main problem he has is reading. He mentions how distracted he gets when trying to read and does not have the attention span to get through an entire book. In applying this affect to film in some ways there are similarities. Many people are not interested in older films; they lack something that keeps the audience interested. A clip from the movie “The River,” an older Indian film, shows an Indian woman dancing to what sounds like a traditional music played from Indian men. She is dressed in tradition Indian clothing and dances in a way this is different to what many people have seen, but the film quality is lacking. It looses the audience’s attention a little easier than say a more recent film. Compared to the newer movie “Slumdog Millionaire,” it lacks a story. A clip from “Slumdog Millionaire” depicts two young boys on a train without a ticket trying to survive. The scene has background music that grabs the audience’s attention and tells a story. It has different views and little tidbits that keep the viewer more at a place of interest. If someone were watching the clip from “The River” they could look away and not miss much, but if they miss some of the other clip, they wouldn’t get the full story.

Like books or any written piece today, there is a lot of information to cover and in order for our brains to comprehend it all, we have to get it all in by reading it. In Carr’s book, it points out how reading is very difficult because he has been exposed to a newer form of receiving information. Unlike the movie however, the Internet allows someone to skim over things and maybe get the gist of what is going through pictures. It is easier for the human brain to digest information when it is delivered in a newer and easier way. The newer movie has dynamic scenes and is easier to comprehend as opposed to the older film.

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